

Date Award Name Category Organizer
2014/05 U-Green Awards Environmental 《U-Magazine》
2014/04 Famous Brand Hong Kong Brand building Famous Brands Asia
2014/04 Smiling Enterprise Award Customer service The Hong Kong Mystery Shoppers Association
2014/04 CSR Award CSR 《metro Box》
2014/02 Prime Awards for the Best Brand Enterprise in Greater China Brand building 《metro Box》
2014/02 10 Consecutive Years Caring Company CSR The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
2014/01 Junzi Corporation Survey Award CSR Hang Seng Management College
2013/12 Outstanding Green Excellence Awards Environmental 《CAPITAL》
2013/10 WWF-HK Hong Kong Corporate Membership Programme Award - Sliver Member Environmental WWF-Hong Kong
2013/10 Outstanding QTS Merchant Silver Award Brand building The Hong Kong Tourism Board
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