News Release

2022 Sep 09
AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Limited

Grand Opening of Daiso Japan Lei Tung Shop

In order to cater to the ever-changing market environment and customer needs, AEON has been actively developing diversified businesses and has opened different types of specialty stores, including small specialty stores that have been expanded quickly in recent years. Daiso Japan store has been set up in Hong Kong this year, and with "high quality, diversity and uniqueness" as its appeal, it provides diversified and affordable high-quality products with superior product quality and outstanding design.

The new shop located at "Lei Tung Commercial Centre", opens today (Sep 9), offering nearly 5,000 items to choose from, focusing on a variety of Japanese direct delivery products, cosmetics and personal care products, boutiques, stationery, tableware, household goods and snacks, etc., can definitely meet the needs of different customers.

Daiso Japan Lei Tung Shop
Address:  Shop Nos. L-304, L-305 and L-306, Second Floor (also known as Level 3), Commercial Centre 1 (also known as Lei Tung Commercial Centre (Phase 1), Lei Tung Estate, No. 5 Lei Tung Estate Road, Hong Kong
Business Hours: 10:00 - 22:00
Tel: 2786-3828

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About AEON Stores
AEON Stores was established in Hong Kong in 1985 and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1994. The Group is mainly engaged in the operation of general retail businesses (General Merchandise Stores and Independent Supermarkets). Currently, it operates 10 GMS, 2 independent supermarkets, 30 independent Living PLAZA by AEON, 32 independent Daiso Japan, 1 independent Bento Express by AEON and 4 Mono Mono and 4 KOMEDA'S Coffee in densely populated districts in Hong Kong. It also operates 21 GMS and 15 independent supermarkets in Guangdong Province, the PRC.

For more information:
AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Limited
Corporate Communication Department
Tel.:(852)2165 0777

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